Service Description
What is acupuncture used for? Since acupuncture is about balancing the qi, it is widely effective for treating variety of chronic and functional disorders, preventing illnesses, reducing stress and helping us maintain optimum health and well being. The uniqueness of this medicine is recognizing the symptoms as well as the underlying disharmony, so that the cause as well as the symptoms can be treated simultaneously. . Some of the physiological effects of acupuncture observed throughout the body includes increase circulation, decrease inflammation, relief from pain, relief from muscle spasm, stimulating immune system and increasing T-cell count. I should emphasize that since this powerful medicine is preventive medicine as well as a treatment method, it can be used along conventional modalities. In fact many studies have shown that it works very well with other treatment methods. The benefits of acupuncture is now clearly recognized in Western world and documented in medical journals across United States and Europe. People use acupuncture to relieve pain and treat certain health conditions. You can use it by itself or as part of a treatment program. Studies have found promising results for the use of acupuncture in treating nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy, chemotherapy, and post surgery pain. Acupuncture is also useful for: • Stroke Rehabilitation, which involves relearning skills that a person lost because of brain damage from stroke • Headache and migraine • Menstrual cramps • Tennis Elbow • Fibromyalgia, or widespread pain and tenderness of muscle and soft tissue. • Myofacial Pain, caused by spasm in the muscles. Osteoarthritis, acupuncture can reduce knee pain and increase movement of the knee in people with osteoarthritis. • Low back pain. • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or pressure on a nerve in the wrist that results in tingling, numbness, weakness, or pain of the fingers and hand. • Asthma, or inflammation in the tubes that carry air to the lungs, resulting in periodic episodes of difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing. • Dental pain. • Labor pain.